
Do you see some wrong information about your favorite beach?

Where was the information?

BeachBums relies on getting accurate information from it community. However, we will occasionally have users information about beaches in the app that is either outdated or inaccurate. It's important for us to get accurate info, and we need your help to do so.

Does BeachBums say that the parking lot is full but it's actually empty; or does your favorite beach have a green flag when BeachBums says it is yellow? You can help by updating your beach. It takes about 30 seconds to do! You can learn how to do this is in our Updating Beach How-to.

Did someone make a recommendation that is factually wrong? If someone makes a recommendation that you don't agree with, we can't help you. However, if someone recommends a place that is no longer in business, then please reply back saying so.

How can you help?

Did you click on your favorite beach, and it say there is no parking when you know that there is. While our user's are very enthusiastic about adding beaches into the app, there are times when users will mistakenly include incorrect information.

If you see something that you think is wrong, click the link below. This will direct you to a form that will prompt you to provide the correct information.

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