How-to Topics

Basic App Navigation


Click here to find out what everything on the home screen means.

Explore Beaches by Map


We give you a rundown of how our map works and the best ways to find your favorite beach.

Explore Beaches by Searching


This section goes through how our search function works to make it easier for you.

Discovering Beaches


Can't find your favorite beach? This section goes through how the beach discovery process works for adding beaches to BeachBums.

Updating Beaches


Looking to update your favorite beaches current information? This page goes into how you can do so.

My Beaches


Have you found your favorite beach, but don't want to go through the hassle of searching for it again? This section tells you how to favorite beaches.



Do you want to know about stuff around your favorite beaches? This section walks you through our recommendations tool.

My Profile


Want to change your profile information? Confused about that random number on your profile? We explain it all here.

Flag Descriptions


Do you see the flags in our app, but don't know what they mean? We give you a quick rundown of what they mean.